Something is wrong with me. Yes, some of you already know this.
But there are certain things that I have to do a certain way or I get really frustrated and out of sorts.
And there are certain things that I do not like... if I see them or hear them I get really frustrated...sometimes to the point that I get physically ill... maybe a headache, a cough, etc.
Example- I do not like prime numbers. I don't like Madison being 23 months old. I really can't stand it. I will not tell people that she is 23 months old. I have to say- she will be 2 next month. Or she is almost 24 months. Something along those lines.
I am 30 this year. I like it. I will not like being 31. Luckily for me there aren't many prime numbers left in my life. I will just have to muddle through them. That or lie about my age. The weirdest thing about it is I didn't discover this until last fall. Madison was maybe 17 months old or something like that and I was just having the hardest time saying it. And then late one night it hit me- I just do not like prime numbers.
When I was in high school, my Dad or someone said a word like abbreviate or some other innocent word that means nothing positive or negative and I said OOOO! I do not like words that end in 'ate'. So then my family proceeded to come up with a list of about 500 words that ended in 'ate'. I will not list those words here- not even a few of them. Because they make me cringe. But they sat around the kitchen table while we were eating shouting out new 'ate' words with glee. So innappropriate. (see, that word ends in 'ate' but is not pronounced with the long a sound, it is more like 'uht')
I am not sure why my brain works that way... but it does.
I was visiting with a friend yesterday about her OCD tendencies. And we talked about how just because we are OCD doesn't mean we are clean freaks... in fact, sometimes my house is messy because I feel like I can't clean it perfectly so I can't even get started.
Today I was thinking about the perfectionist part of my brain... perhaps that is why I didn't like school- because I could never do it perfectly- Since I couldn't make straight 100s on every single test, homework, paper, project, etc. I was frustrated to the point that I couldn't even get started.
I always had high expectations of staying organized and having a neat orderly notebook or folder... with sharp new pencils all of the time. And when any one of these things was not how I envisioned it, the rest of the day or week went downhill.
Today I am cleaning house- purging all of that stuff that you should have thrown away a long time ago and thought- I will save it, I may need it one day. Well, that day has not come so in the trash it goes.
What better way to spend a rainy day?!
What do you do on a rainy day?