Monday, October 30, 2006

25 things

Sunday school rebel's challenge:
"leave me a list of twenty five things that make you happy/joyous"

here we go

1. GBK- she is my heart, my life, my everything. She keeps me going. Details to follow.
2. Her Eskimo kisses
3. When she squawks like a parrot when Diego tells her to (Go Diego Go)
4. When she jazz steps
5. Parties at my house
6. Bonfire or any other type of fire (except the kind that destroys your house and belongings
7. Coincidences
8. Miracle stories
9. Movies based on a true story
10. A great book that you can not put down until you are done- even if it is 3am
11. The Office
12. Project Runway (although the ending of this season did not make me joyous... but I will stay on topic)
13. Photography
14. Chocolate cream pie shake at Sonic
15. Hiking in the woods
16. Camping
17. Roller coasters
18. Hearing GBK count to ten in Spanish for the first time (about 6 seconds ago)... How on earth did she know that!?
19. Drives in the country and trying to get lost
20. Listening to a really good live band
21. Creamy Chicken Ramen noodles
22. Selling something on eBay for a lot more $$ than I thought it would sell
23. Scrapbooking
24. Having a full tank of gas in the van
25. Holidays- Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Flag Day, etc

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


My dear friend asked me the other day if it is hard for me to hear that someone is pregnant when she hadn't been trying.

I immediately answered no. And that is the truth.

I thought about it some more today because I do remember having those jealousy aches and painsin the past. But I couldn't put my finger on it- when do I get jealous? Because I am really really happy to hear when friends are pregnant or just had a child. My first response is one of most happiness and can't wait until I can hold that sweet little baby in my arms.

But it occurred to me just now- when I hear that someone is pregnant with her 10th child but is on welfare and abuses her other 9 children, yes, I get jealous. How is it that such an unfit mother can get pregnant so easily? It seems like she can look at a member of the opposite sex and instantly be impregnated with triplets. How is that?

So if you find out you are pregnant, do not keep it a secret from me. Let me be the first to hear! Just don't let me find out down the road that you are not taking care of her. If you are not willing/able/ready to be a good mother, use birth control!

I also have the opinion that if you are on welfare and mooching off of the government and want a vasectomy/hysterectomy the govt should pay for it. In fact, even if you don't want it and have a litter of children and have been mooching off the govt your entire life, maybe you should have surgery whether you like it or not.

Friday, October 06, 2006


*I dedicate this post to Paige. And I guess Keith too.*

I am addicted to many things.

My child

Barq's Root Beer


My friends



Project Runway


not neccessarily in that order.

GBK has had 2 Halloween costumes both years and I am not one to break tradition...
Her first costume I found is a ladybug ballerina- tutu and all. Precious.

I struggled with the second one... since I could not find a green bean costume. If you find one, let me know, I may use it next year.

But yesterday I found two USM cheerleader outfits. And I thought- hmmm. this could be her second costume! Now I have to decide... which one? black? or gold? I am telling you- addiction. I can't help it.

I will try to post a photo soon. I am late to work.