Thursday, June 29, 2006

looking back...

This is random...

I was chatting via email the other day with a friend of mine... we had not visited in close to 12 years. It was good to touch base and get caught up. That gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Because I sit and think on all of the things that I have done in the past X number of years. It reminds me that I am healthy, wealthy and happy. It reminds me of all of the small miracles that had to happen to get me to this point in life. There were a lot of small miracles, folks.

I counted:

I have moved 15 times since I last spoke with this particular friend.
I have had at least 7 different jobs.
I am 50 lbs heavier.
And lost 50 lbs, only not at one time. You know- you lose 5, gain 5, lose 10, gain 20.
I have been married twice. Didn't know that? There is not much to discuss here re:#1. Just know that it was ugly.
I have been told that I could not get pregnant due to a medical condition.
I have been told that if by some miracle I got pregnant, I would not be able to carry full term.
I got married.
I have purchased a home.
I moved 2 states away purely on faith.
I have been pregnant.
I carried her full term and had no complications.
I have traveled all over the country including 3 foreign countries.
I have had at least 10 pet dogs and 6 pet cats. 3 dogs and 3 cats are still with us.
I have posted on this blog 62 times.

These may all seem like normal every-day occurrences to you. But to me, they are small miracles. Each item has a story behind it. Have you encountered any miracles this week?

Look around. Take notice. Have a miracle that you want to share?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's asleep in her crib right now, and he's in bed reading.

those are my miracles.