Saturday, August 18, 2007

America's Got Talent

Am I the only one that is addicted to THe #1 hit show America's Got Talent?

RD and I love love love Cas Haley. We are hoping that he wins.

In fact, the other night I told RD- if he wins and goes on tour, you must take me to see him. I could sit and listen to him sing all night long.

I have never said that about anyone else- even a famous person. Except Ozzy. If Ozzy comes close we must make the trek to see him.

Ozzy was the only thing that would sooth teh GBK when she was little. I am not kidding. I had to crank it and as soon as the 1st or 2nd beat played, she was quiet as a mouse. It started when she was about 2 weeks old.

I keep threatening it on Baby T. He will be a fan in no time, just you wait and see.


Julie said...

Emily liked Diamond Rio when she was a baby. She's currently quite fond of Alice Cooper, who does a Muppet Show guest spot.

KK said...

Ya'll never figured out that she got quiet because she was scared as hell.

I'm even scared of Ozzy!

musicmom8185 said...

I haven't watched "America's Got Talent", but I did see the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance" and the final 4 were incredible dancers! Which was amazing to me, cuz I got kinda preturbed with "American Idol" when they kept that silly 16 year old boy on while voting off really talented singers. I think the whole America getting to vote thing is a bunch of crap because it's not done in a fair way, and I'm all about being fair!!! (even though at my age I now know that LIFE AIN'T FAIR) hehehe Diane