Friday, March 31, 2006

jogging in place...

I feel like I am jogging in place. I am working really hard, putting forth a great effort... but not getting very far.

Our kitties still have no names... why can't you people come through for me and help me name my cats!!??
They are still labeled "friendly one" and "shy one". Ok. So maybe we will name them Friendly and Bashful. Creative, I know.

I will say that our mouse problem has improved immensley since adopting the cats. They are on the prowl 24/7. Every time that we see them they are crouched down ready to attack.

Friendly is so sweet to GBK. GBK lugs her all around the yard, pulls her tail and hugs her too tight. I keep warning her that Friendly isn't gonna like it and will scratch her one day but GBK just laughs at me like I am crazy. Friendly is really sweet to her though. Coolest cat I know.

The pups are the same way GBK's pup, Aggie, is so sweet and lets her lug her around the yard. Diezel is shy and timid. RD needs to work with him some.

My cousin tells me that his dog died of poisoning too. Seems that someone fed them poison- perhaps in a weinie dog or something. Perhaps they intended for a coyote to find it or perhaps they malicisously poisoned our dogs. Our dog never rambled the neighborhood or anything so I am not sure how he found it.

We rented Walk the Line and plan to watch it this weekend. I heard it was excellent. We also watched the Grizzly Man movie this week. Have you seen it? It was great. Weird, but good. I think I asked RD about 82 times- is this for real? Is he an actor or is that actual footage? I researched it online just to make sure that he was telling me the truth. The guy was a freak. But it was great to watch the bear footage... reminded me of our trip to Alaska 3 yrs ago. I think that if I had seen the movie before our trip I wouldn't have been so willing to get so close to those bears! And I don't think that I would have hiked into the mountain with the other girls to use the bathroom! You should have seen us carrying on... singing, clapping, making noise. What a sight. OK. Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

catching up...

How have I managed to go this long without posting?

I will tell you. GBK's Birthday. GBK's Birthday Party. My folks were in town for a week. I had a birthday. My birthday always lasts at least 2 weeks. And then we went camping. GBK got sick. I am full of excuses.

So this week I have been trying to simplify my life. It is harder than it sounds. I have so many little piles of stuff everywhere. Toys, books, papers, pictures, clothes, you name it, it has a pile.

The biggest pile of all is the scrapbook table that has taken over GBK's new bedroom. Yes, we moved her stuff into another bedroom. Mostly because she inherited some new furniture and that was the only way that I could get 'her' things to fit.

How is it that we manage to accumulate so much stuff? I swear that we have at least 2 trashbags of trash per day- so how it is that we are bringing that much more in the house? (RD would swear that it is more like 5 bags/day as much as I am asking him to take it out of the house already!!!)

Let me tell you what else I have been doing. Fighting mice. What is it about my house that is so much better than that big field next door to romp around in? I mean, it has a pond for water, food in the field, and plenty of space. Why do they have to come into my house and eat everything in site including the weather stripping around the door?

Finally, last week GBK and some of our neighbor friends went on a mission- to find some kitties. We found two and we hope that they will start finding and eating these mice.

How can you help you ask?

Well, we have these two kitties (girls, we think) with no names...
so I will have a name the kitties contest. What is the prize you ask? Good question. What do you want the prize to be if you win? Let me know.

I will tell you one more thing before I go.

RD's dog G DAWG died last Saturday. Actually 2 Saturdays ago. So we went that night and found 2 puppies that needed a good home. RD got a bigger puppy and named him Diezel- he is hoping that he will be a good guard dog for the shop. GBK got a cute tan puppy and named her Maggie. I shortened it to Aggie. She chases her and hugs her and loves her and calls her to "come 'ere Aggie". I hope that Aggie grows to be a good dog for GBK and sticks around for a while. I will never forget getting my Sophie dog 10 years ago and how much I loved her and how excited I would get to see her. I hope Aggie does the same for GBK.