Saturday, April 22, 2006


I hate it when I get so much snot stuffed up into my head that I actually consider getting the vacuum out to suck it out.

And then, I have that one good blow into the puffs tissue and so much comes out that it feels like my head has opened up, exposing the sinus cavity to pure acid... in other words, it burns, but in a satisfying way.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Barq's Has Bite

I am not a big soda drinker... there are really only a few that I like.

But two days ago I had 4 Barq's Root Beers... and I am still feeling the effects!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

what I have learned about myself

This week I learned that no matter how much I have to do- no matter how stressed, how busy, overwhelmed or overbooked I am... I tend to create more chaos for myself.

I have a pretty full week. I am overwhelmed with house work.

So what do I start doing this afternoon?

I started rearranging furniture. Which of course, I try to prove that I can do all by myself. I mostly can. 95% of it anyways.

Until something breaks or I have gotten myself in over my head. Then I have to call RD and beg him to help. ANd then I hear the same old thing- I thought that we agreed not to move the furniture.

Yes, he is of the mindset that all furniture should become one with the house. In order for the furniture to meld with the house, the furniture must never ever move. Ever. Not even to sweep or vacuum.

And I am of the mindset that a little change is good. It brings the creativity out in you. Gives you something to talk about. Makes nightime walks through the house very interesting... especially when it is dark, the lights are out and you forget to flip the switch on. Ouch.
Anyway, I usually find something interesting that I forgot that I had or find something that has been missing for a few months... so I like to move the furniture around.

I am also an efficiency freak. Not to say that I am greatly efficient. I am only saying that I am always looking for ways to make it better, smaller, bigger, quicker, whatever with the smallest amount of effort. That doesn't make me lazy- because I actually do not know how to sit still... I am just constantly thinking of ways to make something better. And sometimes I come up with ideas in my dreams. I have no example to back up that last sentence, of course... but next time it happens I will let you know.

But back to my day- I started moving furniture around. Of course I picked the heaviest piece and didn't move the TV, VCR, DVD, 1000 movies, etc out of it first.... I just started pushing and pulling and 'walking' the furniture. I pushe a little too hard one time and the weight of the contents broke one of the claw feet on the armoire. ARGH. It started wobbling. I grabbed it, steadied it and caught my breath. Two seconds later RD came in and I had to beg for help.

"I thought that we agreed not to move the furniture." says RD.

"I never agreed to that." I responded.

"Why can't you just leave the furniture where it is!" he says- quite irritated.

Because it has a broken leg! I wanted to scream. Then I realized he meant why did I have to start moving furniture in the first place.

Well, it is mainly because I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start. What better way to start than to do something different!

So what are you? Is your house more like a museum where nothing moves and nothing is touched or more like the local grocery store shelves... you restock and rearrange constantly?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

dang it

Why haven't I posted?

Well, other than the obvious ( I am incredibly busy) I keep getting pissed off at this thing- it won't let me post photos! dang it.

So it is Easter. And GBK loves Easter egg hunts. We have one every day around here it seems- with her little eggs and basket and goodies.
But it seems like every day is an Easter egg hunt for me- why can I not find anything? ever?
Certain pants, a certain pair of shoes, socks (where *have* they gone?)... but not just clothes... I have been missing a book, a set of photos, and the TV remote. Somedays I think that I am losing my mind.

I am gonna try to post a photo soon. I am really trying. It just doesn't seem to want to work and I don't have much time or patience to work with it!