Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hair Part 2

I was thinking about GBK's hair some more.

And I had a flashback to her mullet days.

When she was born, she had a head full of hair... but eventually she lost all of her hair on top and had a thick ring of hair around her head- making her look like a little monk.

And then the hair in back continued to grow and get long while the hair on top had a hard time catching up... Making it look like a mullet. I can not tell you how many times people asked me if I cut it that way! As if!

And finally it got long enough in the front to look more like bangs... only I could not keep them out of her eyes! Thus the 82 hairbows.

So back in Feb. she had her first haircut... to trim the ends even. It is amazing that she has had more hairsyles in the last 3 years than Britney Spears has had in her lifetime. And that is saying a lot... as long as GBK doesn't decide to shave her head, I will support her no matter the hairstyle.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Scrappin' girls

Can you tell that I spend too much time on my scrapbooks?

My friend (I will call her Miracle Mama- because we both have miracle babies) and I had to set up a separate table for the girls to use for their projects- pom poms, pipe cleaners, glue sticks, markers, paper, crayons, stickers, scissors, stamps and ink. They think they are scrapbookin'.

Tonight I started second-guessing myself though. In the past I have let GBk play with 'toy' scissors. Ya know the ones- they are plastic and do more ripping of the paper than actual cutting... I have given her the lecture about only using them on her paper- and nothing else. But tonight she found a different pair that cuts a crazy pattern- and decided that she wanted to cut her hair in that same pattern. I caught her just in time- although I really don't think that those scissors would cut her hair too well. But we had to put those scissors in time-out. She cried and said that she just wanted short hair! (The complete opposite of what she has been saying these last couple of years- remember, she cried when I cut my hair short!) I explained that if she wanted a hair cut, just to ask me nicely and I would take her to the beauty shop. Oh I hope that she does not ask me to take her- I love her hair long!

But here is the thing with her hair- it is from the 70s. I am just waiting for her to come out of the bathroom with feathered bangs. She hates to wear a ponytail- she will occasionally allow pigtails. She has 82 hairbows to choose from but her favorite thing to do with her hair is to just let it fall in her eyes and push it to the sides. UGH. I see a scrapbook page coming from all of this.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sock Soup

Sock Soup
2 c Water
1 T Louisiana Hot Sauce
2 T Red Sprinkles
21 Raisins

Mix Ingredients in Large Clear Glass Mixing Bowl.
Have large glass of wine ready for Mama for when you Scare the Crap out of Her.

Why did she name it sock soup? Maybe because it smells like dirty socks. Totally disgusting.

She has turned into a little chef lately- really into recipes and getting all of the dishes out of the cabinets to stir and stir and stir.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One Little Indian Boy

How is it that a baby is tucked away for 9-10 months and comes out with a beautiful brown tan? His complexion is just amazing considering it has never been in the sun!

GBK and I love to sing the kid song- 10 Little Indians. That is probably not politically correct in today's society. I say society can bite me. We love that song and it helped her learn how to count forward and backward. We sing it so that there are 10 Indian Boys and One Indian Girl. We want the girl to have the best pick possible!

It has been a crazy crazy week (the last 7 days)... but everyone is doing just fine, healing normally and getting better every day. We are all so thankful.


Today my family celebrates what would have been my brother's 42nd bday. Every year we do something to remember him- I bake a cake, go out to eat, watch a movie, play a board game, take a drive in the country, *something* that would remind me of the good times with my brother. We also have a bigger family day in Sept, on the anniversary of this death. It keeps me from falling apart. Even now, 21 years after his accident it feels like he was just with us.

I feel his presence quite often... not a day goes by that I do not think of him.

I miss my big brother.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We are home

Everyone got to come home today!!!

All is well- send Sam an email welcoming her home!

We are all tired but everyone has pitched in to keep things together. Aren't we blessed to have such a strong community of friends?

What would we do without each other?

More pictures soon, I promise.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

we are great!

We are doing great!

I finally did something right and was able to get in Sam's blog... so go check it out for today's post.

Don't know where to go? Check out the link on the right- and click on Sundayschoolrebel.

Monday, July 16, 2007


ok y'all-
we still aren't sure what is going on 100%... so I will just type some notes as I remember them, no particular order.

*Baby loves the paci. I sat with him in NICU this afternoon and sang to him and held that paci- if it fell out and he sucked and it wasn't there he squirmed around until I gave it to him again. Sweet baby.

*BF went fine! Until the rush to the hospital... so mama is trying to work with him and get him to eat. Pray this works out!

*He was airlifted this morning to a bigger better hospital with a pediatric hematologist that is trying to get down to the cause of all of this.

*Basically, from what I understand, he got blood from his daddy that mixed with mama's blood during delivery... and she saw it as foreign and rejected it causing his platelets to drop significantly. (I hope that I am not screwing this up).

So she is donating platelets to him to clear it all up. We are hoping to hear results tonight... but it may be in the morning. That is the short version.

*Baby has a head full of hair! He looks just like his daddy! They still have not even been able to wash him... they can not right now in NICU... something to do with water on him. I don't know. I am not a doctor. I just play one in my head.

*Mama is doing *great*. It will probably hit her a little later. But she is being very strong for her family right now. I am so proud of her!

I am delirious and in need of sleep. So I will try to write more later!




She is feeling the prayers from around the world, seriously. She is totally at peace and calm as could be.

Here he is!


Welcome to the world baby boy!

Mama and baby are both doing great!

He was born at 3:21 am, 8 lbs, 15 oz, 21 inches long.

Jesus please let that be right. I am so tired and delirious I hope I am not screwing it up. If I do, I will repost.

OK- I took her to the hospital around 3:30 and 12 hours later he was here! She did great!

I am trying to post a photo- so stay tuned.

(I will call everyone later. I need some rest.)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Way I Heard It

The MIL is here. She got here Monday- she has never stayed that long before.

She was telling us a story about a granddaughter who was playing on the playground one day. She was swinging pretty high and jumped out of the swing and landed on her butt.

The playground was covered with that sharp mulch stuff, have you seen it? It was what schools are using nowadays... If you push your hand down on it you will get a splinter. I don't understand why anyone thinks that is safe, but I am not the one in charge.

Back to the story... the child fell and landed just right- smack dab on top of one of those splintery pieces of bark. Right up her butt. She couldn't walk. It was so deep it had to be surgically removed. How awful. I just couldn't imagine. I am thinking- surely this playground has had all of the mulch vacuumed out of it by now!

But late last night DH informed me that I misunderstood- it didn't go deep in her butt, it went deep in her foot! Geez. OK. Read the story again and replace the word butt with the word foot. I guess she wasn't speaking with enough of a southern drawl for me to understand.

True story.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Guessing game...

OK- It is time for all of us to play the guessing game- the person to come closest to the length and weight of Sam's Baby gets the first call from the hospital from yours truly.

I love this. I am hoping this will make more of you make comments here! I can see you when you peek in my little door here... so now is the time to comment- just one time is all that I am asking.

So here we go. I will start us off. Check the comments with my official guess.

Friday, July 06, 2007

New Do

This is the 'after' photo. I haven't washed it yet to see how wild and curly it is gonna be... plan to do that now.

Hopefully it won't look like cousin IT has moved into my hair.
Wish me luck... I am going in.

locks of love

I had exactly 10 inches that I could have cut so I thought- Why not?

Locks of Love is a great organization and since I had the opportunity to donate, I did it.

Wow. Short hair. Of course, my hair is so thick, we could have cut it close to the scalp in the middle of my hair and no one would have ever known.

Monday, July 02, 2007

My Secret...

My secret? I am addicted to this site:

Post Secret

(thanks, Eddie)

So when it hasn't updated it makes me crazy. Has the post secret ringmaster gone on vacation? Is he ill? Did he stop receiving mail all of a sudden? Maybe he is on tour somewhere and has no time to post.
I have hit refresh 100 times in the last 24 hours.

Gotta go- I have to go see if it has updated now.