Friday, August 25, 2006

101 birthday!

There is a lady down the road from me- turned 101. There is a big sign in her yard.

I am thinking about going down and taking her picture. If they are public enough to put a sign out I figure I can have the courage to ask her permission to take a picture.

But do I take her a birthday present? What do you get a 101 yr old?

Something that will live forever? Or something that she can enjoy today? Like an ice cream cone.
Or do I just forget about the present since I don't know her?

I got the wild hair yesterday and painted GBK's room. No more pink walls. The carpet is still pink but I am working on finding a cute rug. So I am off to do the second and final coat. I will try to post pictures when it is put back together.

Monday, August 21, 2006

talking to God

I close my eyes.

I talk to God.

Thank you God.

Jesus loves me.

Jesus loves me.


-a prayer by GBK

This was a random prayer initiated and told completely by GBK yesterday on a country drive. RD and I busted out laughing and I started repeating it so that I would memorize it.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

first day of Sunday school

First day of Sunday school. I think the first milestone that I have sort of missed. I mean, I dropped her off. But I had to go to my own class. The wonderful thing about it is that her godmother is her teacher!

She had her lesson and got to take a sheet home with her with a story, verse, etc for us to discuss during the week. She goes and finds it several times a day to show me and we talk about it and look at the picture. And then she puts it back on the refrigerator, or the coffee table, or the floor.

She really thinks about it. I hope she stays interested and continues to pay attention.

The weirdest part of the day was that she woke up with a pink mark on her face and it didn't go away until the next day. It faded out. Maybe something bit her.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Taken moments before I was to leave for the private tour of the White House, she found my lipstick and put it on perfectly! One of her uncles walked in on her in the bathroom and caught her in the act. It scared her and made her cry. I couldn't resist grabbing the camera and capturing this hilarious moment.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

little booger

-GBK, Stop! That is my drink... don't drink my drink.You little booger.

-No Mama, not little booger. Big booger. Big booger. Me big booger. Not little booger. BIG BOOGER!

I couldn't agree more.