Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The good ole days...

Wanna hear something really funny?

I have a monthly women's bible study group that I am very involved with- these are my closest dearest friends. I share my life dreams, sorrows, joys and concerns...sometimes my biggest fears or secrets. One of the girls lives really close to me in the country- about 5 miles and we have really bonded this past year.
She started inviting her sister-in-law, AJ, to join us and I have really gotten to know her in the last 6 months or so.

At last week's meeting we had our yearly Christmas party and we were being silly and goofy. In the middle of a conversation (very meaningful and important, I am quite certain) I blurted out- AJ, where are you from? She says Jackson. I said- me too! What part?

She says South Jackson. I said- me too! I went to school at 'WES' and my brother graduated 'WHS' and my sister went to 'PJHS'. AJ said- yep, I know all of those places, went there too.

I said- I only did 1st and 2nd grade there and then we moved but I remember it like yesterday. My first boyfriend was Scotty Petty. I will never forget him. AJ said- ha! My first boyfriend was Scotty Petty but he was 2 yrs younger than me and I taught him how to kiss!

How crazy is that? I didn't know her then, I don't think. We are gonna try to look ourselves up in a yearbook and drive up and visit the old school. But we went to school together, at the same time... she was just 2 grades ahead of me. And a year or two after I moved she taught my boyfriend how to kiss. I never did get over that boy. Shew. He was a cutie.


Rebekah said...

Again - this is priceless! What a great Christmas gift. I love when unexpected magical things like this happen.

Anonymous said...

Girl, why is Bloglines not picking up your feeds? (You probably don't even know what the heck I'm talking about!) That's just to say: you posted this 8 days ago and I didn't even know it! Too funny about the small world story. WHen I did registration at my brother's golf tournament a couple of weeks ago, a guy walked over to the table and said, "Marilyn?" I had NO idea who he was. We went to the same babysitter when we were FIVE! I hadn't seen him in 15 years! (We grew up about 4 blocks from each other.) I'd have to say he was my very first crush. Later at the crab feed, I met his wife and after a few drinks she said, "You know, he had a crush on you when you guys were little." Who knew?! :)

KK said...

I thought the kissing thing was just gross. You shouldn't kiss boys - you should kiss girls. And call me before you do so me, Wes and Cody can watch.........