GBK and I went with a group to a water park yesterday. We had so much fun. It was the best time we have had in a long long time. Just a lazy day filled with water fun, no duties other than the routine stuff like eating and potty breaks.
The only bad thing that happened was I got sunburned. I told my friend- now, you are gonna have to tell me when I start turning the slightest shade of pink, that means that I am sunburned and have to go in! Because it sneaks up on me and once I am pink, it is too late.
Hours later, she said, yep you are sunburned.
And I wasn't even in the water the whole time!
GBK fell asleep in my lap on the Lazy River. So I tucked her in my towel and walked her across the park to a lazy chair, carrying her like a little dead body over my shoulder, with just her water shoes poking out of the bottom. I am sure people were staring. Maybe they were staring at my pink shoulders. Or at my fat thighs rubbing together as I walked. No telling. But I put her on her chair and tried to read my book (Jewel).
It was really hard to read because as I was getting settled a girl from another group came over and started going through my bag! I said- honey, that is mine. She apologized. I watched her. She starts going through my other bag! I said That is mine too! She apologized. She moved on to the next table. Started going through my friend's bag! I scolded her again. She tried to go through at least 6 bags before she finally found her bag and what she was needing. Her excuse? They had their stuff scattered all over our tables. Our reserved tables! Then the rest of her group showed up and started sitting on our tables and lounging on my drying shorts! I am thinking, what is wrong with these people?! And they kept knocking into GBK's chair nearly waking her. I was on pins and needles the whole time they were there. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as they left, secretly wishing for a cold adult beverage.
Anyways, the point of the story is- we had a blast.
She had the best time on the slides and threw her arms up in the air and yelled WHEEEE!!!
I am in so much trouble. When she is 12 she will think roller coasters and water parks are boring. Ready to move on to something more adventurous. Bungee jumping. Parachuting. Drugs. God help us all. I hope not.
Nah - things like this are treats, and she'll realize that. Besides, I can't even think about drugs and my precious godbaby. Talk about throwing someone over my shoulder and hauling her to a CONVENT. With SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.
I'm so glad you had fun. Wish I could have skipped boring work and splashed the day away.
I told you I wasn't a good person to tell you if you were burning! I am sorry, I felt really bad for you that night. I had fun that day also. We need to go back. You, me, and the rest of our rat pack. Thanks for helping out with our sick friend. I know that she really appreciates it.
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