Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thank you Disney!

Our big Christmas surprise for Princess GBK was a trip to Disney. Yes, we each got a 6 Day Pass and did it up right. We had the best time. We left Christmas Day and came home New Year's Day.

We went to the 4 major parks and saw and did as much as possible- it was crowded since it was a holiday week.

She filled her autograph book. In fact, I just realized that she never got Cinderella to actually sign her book! We were caught up in the moment, I guess. So now I am working on getting pictures together to put in the book.

Here is one such photo. We were surprised at Animal Kingdom when we looked over in the bushes and there was Flik!

More to come...


Anonymous said...

Great job with the pictures! Did you set up a flickr account?

Also, I think she looks especially beautiful in her Snow White outfit - she just looks great in blue! Little booger. I can't wait until she comes to spend the night again - she's just no trouble at all.

Justin said...

In ten years---or even two years---you'll love that you've taken so many photos of her. I joke with my parents that I have "the lost childhood" because there seems to be so few photos and no video. I suppose I did have a childhood. There were witnesses.