Thursday, February 16, 2006

Happy Birthday!

GBK turned two yesterday.

We had a crazy day filled with activity.

She had her photo session and then RD and I took her to the Curious George movie. She loved every minute of it!

Photos to come.


Rebekah said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet GBK!!! And congratulations to you, too RM and RD, who are responsible for giving the world such a magical child!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Happy Belated Birthday to the GBK! Girl, Bloglines hasn't been picking up your feeds, so all this time I thought you'd abandoned your blog! Great to hear about your photography class...let's see more of those THOUSANDS of photos. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! 2 YEARS OLD!!! Happy Belated Birthday GBK! Your a precious gem. I'll agree with Rebekah's comment: RM and RD did good!