I don't get my picture taken often. Mostly because I am usually the one with the camera.
When I was a little bitty thing, about knee-high to a duck, I decided that I hated to have my picture taken. I really really hated it. I would run when I saw a camera. There are many-a-picture that was supposed to be a family photo and I have my head buried in my Dad's shoulder or behind my Mom's leg. I was just so embarrassed.
I will tell you what made me change my mind.
The Texas Dept. of Transportation.
I went in when I was about 18 or so to get my license and they took my picture. It turned out better than any picture of me I had ever seen. I am not kidding you. I wish I still had it. After that I had no problem with it.
Now that we have a child, I feel like the camera is a part of me- not even glued or stitched to my hand- it is really just a part of me. A growth or disease that I contracted somewhere. Hopefully the only growth or disease that I will contract in this lifetime.
RD asked me today- how many pictures do you think that you have taken of Madison? I thought about it. Possibly thousands? I dunno. Six Thousand? If I have only taken 10 pictures of her a day since birth that would be roughly 7300. I bet I have taken more.
But back to the story- he asked me this question as if it was a bad thing... like I was an addict. Like it was worse than smoking or drinking.
So I asked him- how many times do you think you have farted since she was born?
he said- A BUNCH!
I said- more times than I have taken pictures of her?
he said- Oh YEAH!
I said- how may times do you fart a day?
He said- Probably five.
I laughed out loud.
Then I asked- why in the world do you save all of those farts for me then? I mean, you can spread em around and fart when I am not around! Don't feel like you have to save them for me! My picture takin' problem is no worse than your fartin' problem and it doesn't stink near as bad.
I hate fart stories and can't believe I just wrote about one.
So the picture I posted was taken by me- it is my reflection in the car window. The growth on my head is GBK hanging on tight as she can. It was taken with my new Nikon N80 that I am in love with. It is my replacement camera for the Canon that was stolen out of our car over Christmas. This picture was on my first roll of film with this camera.
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