Monday, October 30, 2006

25 things

Sunday school rebel's challenge:
"leave me a list of twenty five things that make you happy/joyous"

here we go

1. GBK- she is my heart, my life, my everything. She keeps me going. Details to follow.
2. Her Eskimo kisses
3. When she squawks like a parrot when Diego tells her to (Go Diego Go)
4. When she jazz steps
5. Parties at my house
6. Bonfire or any other type of fire (except the kind that destroys your house and belongings
7. Coincidences
8. Miracle stories
9. Movies based on a true story
10. A great book that you can not put down until you are done- even if it is 3am
11. The Office
12. Project Runway (although the ending of this season did not make me joyous... but I will stay on topic)
13. Photography
14. Chocolate cream pie shake at Sonic
15. Hiking in the woods
16. Camping
17. Roller coasters
18. Hearing GBK count to ten in Spanish for the first time (about 6 seconds ago)... How on earth did she know that!?
19. Drives in the country and trying to get lost
20. Listening to a really good live band
21. Creamy Chicken Ramen noodles
22. Selling something on eBay for a lot more $$ than I thought it would sell
23. Scrapbooking
24. Having a full tank of gas in the van
25. Holidays- Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Flag Day, etc


Anonymous said...

Great job! I could have listed at least 25 things simply about the GBK that make me happy - and kept going. Such as, how much do I love that she says, "I want to go to Sam's house!"

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I told her she has Halloween treats for her! (And you, by default. I hope you like red Twizzlers.) Or the fact that I encourage jumping on the bed.

Also, another reason to love Flag Day - it's the same day as Beaux's birthday!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time with you and the GBK and all the other little girl scouts on Sunday. We need to get together soon.

Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

Fun to read!

Ditto on the ending of this season of Project Runway!
