Wednesday, October 18, 2006


My dear friend asked me the other day if it is hard for me to hear that someone is pregnant when she hadn't been trying.

I immediately answered no. And that is the truth.

I thought about it some more today because I do remember having those jealousy aches and painsin the past. But I couldn't put my finger on it- when do I get jealous? Because I am really really happy to hear when friends are pregnant or just had a child. My first response is one of most happiness and can't wait until I can hold that sweet little baby in my arms.

But it occurred to me just now- when I hear that someone is pregnant with her 10th child but is on welfare and abuses her other 9 children, yes, I get jealous. How is it that such an unfit mother can get pregnant so easily? It seems like she can look at a member of the opposite sex and instantly be impregnated with triplets. How is that?

So if you find out you are pregnant, do not keep it a secret from me. Let me be the first to hear! Just don't let me find out down the road that you are not taking care of her. If you are not willing/able/ready to be a good mother, use birth control!

I also have the opinion that if you are on welfare and mooching off of the government and want a vasectomy/hysterectomy the govt should pay for it. In fact, even if you don't want it and have a litter of children and have been mooching off the govt your entire life, maybe you should have surgery whether you like it or not.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Hey Precious, Darling, Sweet Friend!!! I MIIIIIIS you! One day gone, and I'm ready to come back and hang out at your home that is warm and wonderful beyond belief! And love on that baby girl that is not really a baby, but sort of, with her dancing toes that trip and topple her, and her little booty that is about four inches across. I can't stand how sweet she is!

You are the consummate mother! I've never known anyone more meant for motherhood than you, Sweetness. And I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments here!