Wanna hear something really funny?
I have a monthly women's bible study group that I am very involved with- these are my closest dearest friends. I share my life dreams, sorrows, joys and concerns...sometimes my biggest fears or secrets. One of the girls lives really close to me in the country- about 5 miles and we have really bonded this past year.
She started inviting her sister-in-law, AJ, to join us and I have really gotten to know her in the last 6 months or so.
At last week's meeting we had our yearly Christmas party and we were being silly and goofy. In the middle of a conversation (very meaningful and important, I am quite certain) I blurted out- AJ, where are you from? She says Jackson. I said- me too! What part?
She says South Jackson. I said- me too! I went to school at 'WES' and my brother graduated 'WHS' and my sister went to 'PJHS'. AJ said- yep, I know all of those places, went there too.
I said- I only did 1st and 2nd grade there and then we moved but I remember it like yesterday. My first boyfriend was Scotty Petty. I will never forget him. AJ said- ha! My first boyfriend was Scotty Petty but he was 2 yrs younger than me and I taught him how to kiss!
How crazy is that? I didn't know her then, I don't think. We are gonna try to look ourselves up in a yearbook and drive up and visit the old school. But we went to school together, at the same time... she was just 2 grades ahead of me. And a year or two after I moved she taught my boyfriend how to kiss. I never did get over that boy. Shew. He was a cutie.