Tuesday, October 11, 2005

my friend Dave

Yep. We got the insurance check today. It was exactly what the lady told me yesterday. I had to live it all over again.

I got an email from my best friend from high school yesterday (hi Dave). He was telling me about his job promotion (HOORAY!) and I told him about the damage to our property. He was willing to get on an airplane and be here this weekend to help me (but I have this friend who is getting married this weekend... so I am booked this weekend- haha) (HOORAY Sam!)

Anyways- it made me realize how awesome it is to have a friend that you can talk to every 6-12 months and when you get back on the phone, it is like no time passed and you realize that you would literally do anything for that friend.

I have to tell you a few things about my friend Dave:

We were in high school band together, I think that is how we met. I played flute and he played trombone.

Sometimes I call him Dave and sometimes I call him David. Isn't that funny... like I am his mother or something.

He invited me to church camp all through high school. I woulda rather roomed with him but got stuck with the girls. Damn rules.

Dave lived in the same neighborhood as my family during high school, about a 5-10 minutes walk.

Dave used to walk this dog around the neighborhood... was his name Chuffy? Something like that. (Dave, help me out.)
What kind of name is Chuffy? I hope I am wrong about that. Was that his neighbor's dog? I think so but can't remember.

Sometimes I used to walk with him and we would share stories, dreams, rants, whatever. He was my best friend... although I don't know if either one of us realized it at the time.

And now on with the story...

One day, Dave came over (I don't think that we went for a walk but maybe we did, I don't remember). I had on cream colored panty hose and a cream skort, short- just above the knees. This was probably in 1992 or so.... I don't really remember the year. What I *do* remember is having a huge run in my pantyhose. And I started making more runs and picking at it while we sat in my living room talking. My mother was right there in the kitchen the whole time cooking supper. Before I knew it, I had most of one leg of hose completely ripped open!
I guess I was bored. Or tired. Or just acting kooky.

But I really started getting into it. And then Dave really started to get into it! Next thing ya know, Dave and I managed to rip the whole pair of hose completely off of my body without removing any of my clothes.

Hmmm... I am not sure what that means. And I have no earthly idea why I am telling you this. But it is just one of those weird moments in life that you just don't forget.

Looking back, I can't figure out why my mother allowed that to happen. She was so strict and everything, ya know.

So anyways, everyone raise your glass as we congratulate Dave on his big time job promotion!

(Note to Dave: I love you sweetie, thank you for putting up with me during those growing up years. You have no idea how you influenced my life. And I am so proud of the great man and wonderful daddy you have become. And oh yeah, I still have that picture of you with the bra wrapped around your shirt. Should I post that here?)

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