Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Aunt Barbara... that I wrote about 2 days ago

OK people. I just figured out the posting photos thing. Yes, you are in trouble, because I love to take photos.

So we will have a vote today.

Would you rather see a picture of the green bean kid, Hurricane damage or Dave with a bra draped around his neck? Talk quick- you have less than 12 hours.

Hahaha... I love this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote for Madison AND Dave w/bra! Isn't it great when you finally get the photo thing figured out...'cause then you wanna post 'em all the time! And congratulations to Dave on his promotion. Friends like him are extra-special, for sure...those friends who we can pick up with right where we left off...no matter how much time has passed.