Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed that beautiful women always drive beautiful cars?

Take the time today to count the number of beautiful women that you see driving old klunkers.

I saw one girl the other day while I was waiting for Sam at the elctric company-
she was the cutest little thing. Perfect hair, perfect weight, great complexion. Not too dressed up, but her clothes were nice enough.

She was driving an old beat-up pickemup truck with the worst paint job, crumpled bumper, no AC, windows rolled down, muffler half-on, half-off...

and I thought to myself- yep, she must be borrowing her papaw's truck since her BMW is in the shop. Bless her little heart. Well, at least it was nice outside, not too hot or cold.

Take the time today to count the number of beautiful women that you see driving old klunkers and send me your numbers...

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