Saturday, June 24, 2006

Can I take any questions?

Yes, I had the opportunity to go to DC this summer and visit the Oval Office, Rose Garden and Press Room.

President Bush was out of town that day so we were able to walk through on a private tour and see some things that most people don't get the chance to do. So exciting!

I thought that I would take this time to allow questions. I will give you 7 days to ask anything that you want. I promise to try to answer but reserve the right to tell you to go to hell if I don't like the questions.

OK. Fire away.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Is the press room bigger or smaller than you thought it would be? I always imagine things grand and then am shocked at how "real" and small they are. Well not all things, but you know.

Thank you so much for your sweet notes! You are precious - yes you truly are!!