Thursday, June 29, 2006

Question #1

Is the press room bigger or smaller than you thought it would be? I always imagine things grand and then am shocked at how "real" and small they are. Well not all things, but you know.

It is so much smaller than I imagined it would be! It is a tight fit. Maybe 15 x 30 feet? Hard to say. Hard to imagine all of those people squeezing in there to do a live report.

One cool thing that I learned... Franklin Roosevelt expanded the West Wing and relocated the Oval Office to the southeast corner in 1934. He also built a swimming pool, which was converted into this Press Briefing Room during the Nixon Administration.

So we were standing above the old swimming pool!

Your comment reminded me of when I was in 1st/2nd grade. I thought that my school was huge! The hallways were massive. And then a few years later, I went to visit and was confused- when had they remodeled the school? Why were the hallways so skinny? How did two people walk past each other without touching? And the classrooms were tiny- how did they fit 30 kids in that one room? I will never forget that weird feeling- like I was a giant in a midget's world.

1 comment:

KK said...

I'm getting a great mental image of you being a press secretary. I'm sure the pressure wouldn't effect you at all.

You wouldn't cry - would you?

Come home.