Monday, October 10, 2005

My insurance company is on crack

I had a great day today. Thank you to all of my new friends that left me comments!! Wow that felt great. I never knew what I was missing out on.

The only bad part of my day was when I discovered that my insurance company has been smoking crack. Yes, I know this for a fact because I went by to check in and see why it has been almost three weeks since I have heard from- only to be told "the check is in the mail'.

"What check?" I wanted to know. How could they send me a check when they had no details on the damage- I mean, how did they know what brand of carpet I had (that has to be replaced) and where I bought it? So I asked for an itemized receipt from them.

Just what I expected. Total bull shit. Can I say that here?

The estimate was for $2400. And we have a $500 deductible. So they are sending us less than 2 GRAND!
People, my new carpet (that we just got in June, by the way) was almost $2500!!

Who is gonna cover the roof, 50 feet of wooden fence that must be replaced, the debris in the yard, the trees that still have to be cut, the barbed wire fence that is down, the stained ceilings/wall where rain leaked in, the 2 sets of french doors that must be replaced, the hardwood floor that has to be ripped up, and all of the other damage that I have no energy to write about right now?

They also forgot to add the refrigerator and freezer that have to replaced since you can not kill mold in a frig that sat for 3 weeks with no electricity!

Yes, this is my first rant on this blog. Probably not my last.

But at least I didn't let it ruin my day.
I will just collect my thoughts and make notes and share them with the new adjuster that I demanded that they send.


Anonymous said...

This SUCKS. Good luck with the new adjuster. Start visualizing a really BIG check. :) I'll hold a good thought. Let me know if you need help with the "posting pics in Blogger" thing.

Rebekah said...

That's what we are here for - to hear you rant and to rant right along with you. In fact, I just emphatically hit the desk with my fist and almost toppled everything, which is all kind of precariously leaning against everything else. You stick with it - keep requesting new adjusters. I'm so sorry for all your trouble!!!

Anonymous said...

Darling, you've found the perfect venue for ranting and raving -

And I do not LOVE your insurance company, no I do not. Hopefully, hopefully things will work out and they'll do the right thing. Aren't you glad you don't work in the insurance business these days? Every day must be pure hell.