Thursday, October 13, 2005

update on the plane crash

OK. So it wasn't a plane crash, just sounded like one.

We live not too far from the airport and about once a month, they fly over or near our house. I guess a plane was just flying really really low making it sound loud about the same time RD hit something or moved something while he was puttering around on the tractor.

Scared the bejeebies out of me.

Anyways, I drove to the church to change the church sign for 'the wedding'.
It is so cool to see both last names on that beautiful sign.
I had so much fun doing that for them! I wish someone woulda taken my picture!

So here is the question of the day, I need advice.

If there is a person in your circle of friends that you used to be friends with... actually really good friends with (opposite sex but not a sexual relationship in any way) that has hurt you so deeply that you are not able to be that person's friend until he gives you a huge apology...

A. Ignore him in public and private. Because really, why waste your time *pretending*.


B. Pretend that nothing ever happened and you are cool with anything and everything because hey, you are easy to get along with and be around and nothing is gonna ruffle your feathers, including some jerk that thinks that the world revolves around him.

I don't do either very well. I already tried to confront him. He ignored me. I tried to send him an email explaining how I felt. He didn't respond. We go to church together and this is a very awkward situation.

GBK has been practicing her pedal throwing. She especially likes to throw them in the pews. I am so anxious to see what she does on Sat. y'all!

I have a feeling she is gonna see GF (that stands for godfather, I am all about the abreviations lately) and run up the aisle and beg him to pick her up and never let go. And someone will have to find the fruit snacks and pry her fingers from his neck bribing her to leave him. It may not be pretty.


Anonymous said...

I like to choose the most evolved route...looking cool as a cucumber on the outside (What, me? I could care less that you've been just horrible to me.)...while seething with resentment on the inside, plotting my revenge. So HEALTHY! :) Boy, that'a a tough one...and the fact that it's a CHURCh friend makes it even tougher. You said you tried to "confront" it possible you could broach the subject with him in a gentle way and tell him that the issue is weighing on you and that you'd like to resolve it with him? If he ignores that, then he's got a lot of work to do in church... :)

Rebekah said...

I'm envisioning flowers flying and those chubby little legs bounding right down the aisle to Boooooooooooo! Those are the moments that make wedding memories endearing and precious! It's not about the perfection, although whatever happens, tomorrow (can you believe it?) will be PERFECT!

I have had two close friends in my life hurt me deeply and then refuse to acknowledge the issue and come to resolution. Our friendships evaporated. I think you are like me... you just want to talk it out - get it out where you can see it and say the words that will resolve the hurt. Some people never will do that. The pain can be incredible; the anger can keep you from listening in church (ahem, I know whereof I speak) but sometimes you just have to leave it alone, and let God take care of their hearts (sorry if I sound like I am preaching, I'm not!). Or... we could pray heaps of shame right on his head. I'm there with you.