Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Biggest Loser

I don't get a chance to brag on myself too often- so here goes:

We had a weight loss group at church- it lasted 12 weeks and we all pitched in $20 to start. I lost 12 lbs and the most percentage, so I won the pot last night! I got $140 and there is one girl that still owes, so that might jump to $160!

Wanna know what I am spending the money on? I had planned to buy new bras, pants, whatever since the old clothes were not going to fit (I went down 2 pant sizes!)

But instead- I am buying a crib. Especially since my new smaller waist is about to expand!

In Sept, I bought a bed from a girl in Olive Branch- one of those beautiful boutique convertible baby beds (crib to toddler bed to full bed). I loved it, fell in love with it. Well, she didn't sell it during the sale (even though at least 50 women drooled over it and trying to figure out how to take it home)... so at the end of the sale, I asked her how low she would go on it, I would have to fit it in my van and bring it home... and the current price was not low enough for it to be worth my hassle.

We talked and talked and finally she said that she would take $100 and I could pay anytime before Christmas. She took it home, her husband took it apart for me and loaded it in my van! They were so incredibly nice. Their daughter is adopted and she slept in the bed maybe 8 times the Mom said. They just had a hard time being separated from her.

So- my winning money is going to pay for a crib I got-- before I ever knew that I was pregnant! I had planned to make it a full bed but now I will add the rails and have a beautiful baby bed to put our sleeping child... I hope he sleeps more than GBK did. That child still stays up to party- every night!

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