Well, after lots of discussion, we decided to pull GBK from her pre-school. So today was her last normal day. She has her Christmas program on Wed, but it will be short program followed by a party.
GBK will go to the school where I sub. And take a Spanish class two afternoons a week. She is so excited. She will also be with lots of her friends and close to her Auntie Sam.
But today as I told her lunch teacher good-bye, I lost it. I broke down into tears. Sobbing uncontrollably. GBK really likes her, talks about her all of the time.
We put her at that school so that she would get first priority at the private school in town. Now that we have decided not to go the private school route, there is no reason for her to be enrolled there. It will be a lot easier to have her close to me and Sam. And we will save a bit of money.
I just bawled and bawled and bawled, sad to tell her teachers good-bye. Of course, the pregnancy hormones didn't help matters- they were probably the root of the river of tears.
Now it starts.............the crying, the second guessing - all the good stuff.
I love life and I love Sara!!!
It has to be disconcerting, all those tears - and you are usually not the BOO-HOO-ER like I am. But you know how pregnancy changes everything - remember how it made me LESS emotional? Crazy.
I am very excited about our Green Bean Kid at our preschool! I know she will thrive and be so happy, not to mention, I can wave at her from the hallway when I'm taking my own kiddos to the playground. Of course, I love having you up in the middle of things, too, and having you there makes the family complete!
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