Sunday, December 16, 2007

GBK got a little sick last night- having trouble breathing while she was sleeping. It was worse this morning, so I decided to take her straight to the Dr.

I looked online, got the number to Immediate Care (she has been there once before) and at 8am called. The doctor's exhange (answering service) answered the phone.

ME: Hi there, what time does the clinic open today?
DE: 8am.
ME: Oh good, OK. SO you are there right now?
DE: Well, they are running a little late, this is the doctor's exchange.
ME: Oh, OK. Well we will head that way and hopefully they will be there by then.

I begged RD to go with me. We all got ready and within a few minutes were out the door. We drove straight there. While at the red light I looked over and saw no cars so I called the clinic, getting the same sweet girl.

ME: Hi there, I am at the clinic and there are no cars in the driveway... I am wondering if they are coming in?
DE: They do not open until 1 this afternoon.
ME: I called you at 8am this morning, you said that they opened at 8am. Why did you tell me that? I drove all the way into town to take my daughter to the doctor, now I have to turn around and drive 20 minutes back home?
DE: I am so sorry!! I was looking at yesterday's hours when I told you that. They don't open until 1. I am so so so sorry.
ME: (Long pause) OK. Well, I guess we will have to come back. Is there a doctor oncall that I can talk to? Maybe to get some advice on what to do?
DE: Uhmmm... yes, I think Dr Hale is on call, I will ask him to call you right back.

I drove on to a different clinic to see if they opened any earlier. Then I ran inside Walgreens thinking they would know how opened the earliest. While there, Dr Hale called me back.

I explained what happened.

DR: Uhm. OK. Who is this?
ME: Rookie Mama
DR: And who is her regular doctor?
ME: DR. Fantastic
DR: OK, I don't take calls for Dr Fantastic. I do not see his patients. You will have to call his office to see him.
ME: I called Immediate Care and the girl there told me that you were oncall today and would be over there at 1pm?
DR: No, I do not even work at Immediate Care. I am oncall at the ER today. You could come here and see me, but you will be in the waiting room for several hours waiting around a bunch of sick people. I don't recommend it. I recommend that you call Dr Fantastic to make an appt to see the oncall Dr there this afternoon.
ME: I am sooooooooooooooo sorry. I never asked that girl to page you, she just said that you were oncall today!!! I am soooooooooo sorry. UGH.

Yes, she screwed up big time. But she was so sincerely sorry that I didn't have the heart to call and complain. She was very sweet. I am just hoping it was her first day and she was learning today.

Point of the story? Had she gotten ugly with me and tried to place the blame on me, I would have been very upset and called in for her supervisor. But she was so sweet and so apologetic that I forgave her immediately and let it go. What happened to good customer service? It has been so long since I have had someone mess up like that without trying to place the blame on me. Honesty and sweetness will get you far with me!

Anyway, GBK saw Dr Fantastic's partner and he diagnosed it as stridor

He gave her something to take tonight and possibly tomorrow and said that would be the end of it. And in the future if she sounds that way, take her out into the cool damp air for a while and it would clear up.

I told him it was funny, by the time we made it into town this morning to go to the clinic, she said to me, Mama, I am better! SEE?

And I had to agree. She sounded 100% better.

She cried the whole way home this morning, sad that she would miss Sunday school. So we raced home, got ready and went to SS and church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Dr. Hale is a member of our church, right?